Grooming mistakes, we all make them. sometimes we can be a little forgetful when introducing a grooming regimen into our daily schedule. We don’t have time or we simply just don’t feel like it. Trust me I understand, I know the struggle. What you have to keep in mind is that looking unkempt and messy can have negative repercussions in different areas of your life. So don’t worry here at The Guy Blog we got you covered, we are here to simply tell you to avoid committing any of these grooming mistakes.
I know you want to look manly, and hair in men expresses exactly that. But when you have a growing bush coming out of your hair or nose it just looks weird and distracting (I’m laughing as I am writing). So be critical of yourself and check these places regularly. The nose and ear hair trimmers are super cheap (10 bucks or something).I recommend the Panasonic ER-GN30-K
I don’t remember where I heard that when guys wear too much hair gel they basically look as if they were going for a swim. It’s not the 80’s, there are tons of products that give you a similar look without that look of rock hard hair… plus imagine if a girl tries to run her hair through your hair. Try pomades or pastes.

I personally am allergic to strong scents so I can’t be blamed for it. But I have met guys that overuse their cologne. I don’t know if it some sort of statement or what. But I’ve come to realize that the more discrete you go with it the better the results. Just apply a small amount on your “pulse points” and you are good to go.
Listen I’ve been guilty of this from time to time I get it, sometimes you just feel the need to bite trough them, or you just don’t clean them or you are simply not going to get a manicure. You don’t need to start going to the salon to get manicures if you don’t want, but a pair of nail clippers won’t harm you (unless you are not watching while using it). And to control the anxiety of biting them, chew some gum or bite on pens like I do.
We guys sweat a lot. It’s true we don’t use make up but we tend to carry a lot of dirt on our face; don’t believe me? Take a wet white cloth and rub it hard on your face at the end of the day… see?
Include a daily routine of facial cleaner, moisturizer and uv protection for a clean and healthy looking skin. I use Artistry Men system (‘cause my wife sells those products) but Neutrogena makes great products as well.
Also exfoliating once a week can do wonders… hey The Rock does it!
We wrote an article about growing DA BEARD, so if that’s the look you’re going for make sure to read it. For the rest of us mortals that can grow stubbles of hair try to keep it clean. Wahl makes great machines for facial hair maintenance. Give it a trim every other day and keep your stubbles the same height. If you are going for the longer beard, read the article 7 Tips To Help You Grow A Perfect Beard.
Following on point number 6. The dry shave is a killer dude. I know sometimes we are on a rush or you are just trimming a little bit, but unless you are some sort of skin god that does not irritate when dry shaving then this is a big no. Your face can irritate and look awful. So make sure to use the products that were brought to this world for that purpose.
I wanted it to sound like a movie title. Listen if you are a classic guy and like the old vintage retro look, that’s okay. But you have to know that it can cause some weird smells when sweaty and may not look appealing to whomever gets to watch the spectacle. I think the baby look is the best way to go but a good old trimming can never hurt. Oh in case you missed it I was talking about your genitals.